
Hi, my name is DeLara Skye and I’m a Procrastinator.

Right at this very moment I should be doing my homework but instead I am writing to you lovely people.

I should have been doing my homework for a few hours now but I got caught up on facebook, then writing in my journal, then for an hour and a half fixing my white out tape because I can’t write without my white out tape, then back to my journal, and lastly back to facebook.

My lack of motivation to do any of my work is a problem I don’t know how to fix. So if you have any ideas on how I can get my motivation back, or how to decrease my procrastination, it would be greatly appreciated.

Basically just wanted to say hi and waste time.

Hope y’all are doing great!! Love ya!!


DeLara Skye

You’re Not Alone

Today was Suicide Awareness Day so I wanted to write a little something for it.

Everything I’m going to say is probably cliche but I don’t care. It needs to be said.

You are not worthless. You are loved. You are cared for. You are not alone.

I’m a bit of a hypocrite when I saw this last bit because I don’t even follow it, but if you are feeling so down that you believe suicide is the only option, please seek someone to talk to. Anyone. A hotline, therapist, friend, family, co-worker, teacher, anyone you feel comfortable talking to, don’t feel ashamed to speak up.

Everyone has bad days but those of you who have depression know that it’s much worse than just a bad day. Every bit of you aches. Motivation is completely drained from you. All you want to do is curl up in bed with a warm blanket and sleep for days, weeks, months if you could. You feel alone even though some part of you knows it’s not true, but that part never wins out.

But you’re not alone.

You’re not alone in feeling this way and you’re not alone in dealing with it.

I’ve never been officially diagnosed with depression because I feel uncomfortable talking about the way I feel to complete strangers. I don’t have a regular doctor and the thought of therapy, though I know it has helped people, makes me feel uneasy and nervous. Some of my friends have depression and I talk to them because they understand how I feel. My parents say they do but once they start talking it’s obvious they have no clue what I’m talking about and feeling. So at least I have some people to talk to.

At first I even hid it completely from my parents. It took four years for me to come out and say I think I’m depressed and that I’ve felt this way for years. It’s been about a year since that happened and I’m sure they think it was just a phase, something that now I don’t seem depressed it must be over. But I’ve become good at hiding the way I really feel around them.

But just because of all this, it doesn’t mean I can’t feel happy. That I don’t have good days or genuinely laugh. I think that’s the biggest misconception about depression.

And I know that I’m not alone.

So I’m going to end saying this:

If you feel you can’t talk to anyone, if you feel alone, if you feel like no one cares about how you feel or what you have to say, I’m open ears. I will read, like and respond to your comments. I will not judge you. I will only give advice if asked for it. I will listen to anything and everything you have to say. All you have to do is speak up.

Love you all!!


DeLara Skye

Campus Trash

Even though I have a car and there is a bus system, my main form of transportation around my college campus are my own two feet. Sure I have to leave my off campus apartment much earlier than I would if I drove but it also means I don’t have to search for a parking space or waste gas.

I love walking around my campus for a couple of reasons. #1: I’m getting exercise. I hate exercising (on land) because it’s painful and I don’t like to sweat. It makes me feel gross all over, inside and out. So walking everywhere is a good way to get my exercise in for the day. #2: I like to observe the changes going on around. Not only watch, but feel and smell these changes. I like feeling the temperature gradually change as it goes from the end of summer to fall to winter to spring. Yes I even walk during the frigid cold of winter. I like to watch the trees change colors, going from luscious green to vibrant reds, yellows and oranges in fall, to bare bone branches filled with blinding, crystalized snow in winter, to beautiful rebirth, sprouting new flowers in spring.

The one thing I absolutely don’t understand and hate about walking around my beautiful campus is the garbage that lays everywhere. It’s in the streets, on the sidewalks, in the ponds and fountains. I don’t get how people can treat the earth this way. We only have one planet we can inhabit and we humans are treating it as a giant landfill.

I know this isn’t a new issue but it still repulses me to see the plastic bags and cups everywhere I look, on every block, every street corner. It’s disgusting. It’s maddening and saddening to see the place that has so much beauty be ruined by Starbucks cups and McDonald’s wrappers. I mean, it’s one thing to throw certain foods on the ground, I saw a banana peel tossed into the grass, because they biodegrade back into the soil, but to throw cigarette butts and anything plastic is really uncool.

I guess this turned into a bit of a rant but come on! We only have one planet. We need to treat it well.


DeLara Skye

Last But Not Least

Today marks the beginning of a new experience for three friends: Co-Blogging.

As Toby and Maggie already stated, we came together to co-host this blog to write about our experiences in life. Some of it may be happy, while other parts may get serious or even sad. Personally, I tend to focus more on the latter. However, I will try to make this experience good and happy for everyone involved. No one wants a “Debbie Downer” around all the time.

Oops, where are my manners? I forgot to introduce myself. My name is DeLara Skye. Maybe now is the time to let you know a little more about me. I’m 21, 22 in a couple months, and about to graduate from college. Obsessed with Harry Potter, elephants and Italy, I may talk a little too much about them. I watch way too much TV, spend much too much time on my computer, but enjoy a good read. Although that makes me sound like a hermit, I can promise that I have more friends than just these two wonderful co-hosts. I enjoy bowling, going to the movies and eating out with people I care about most. My family and friends are the most important things in my life. But I don’t want to give too much away before the blogging experience has begun. I guess you readers will just have to stay tuned.

Night my fellow bloggers. Stay safe.


~DeLara Skye