Why I Use It

WARNING: May be considered graphic to some readers.

I think this post is necessary because a lot of people don’t fully understand that there are reasons for going on birth control other than preventing pregnancy. I myself was uneducated until I started talking to my doctor about it.

Sure, the main reason for using birth control is to prevent unplanned pregnancy, but that’s definitely not the only use for it.

For 5 years I struggled with acne. I went to the dermatologist countless times trying to find a miracle cure. Nothing seemed to work. Sure, I was prescribed ampicillan to help get rid of it and yes, it did work a bit, but I stopped taking it when everything was looking up. I found out I still needed the extra help from medication so I began taking it again…and my body rejected it. I developed an allergy to it. Turns out a lot of people use birth control to help fight their acne. Of course that became one of the main reasons why I went on birth control…but it wasn’t the only reason.

Birth control is like a puppeteer controlling hormones. It balances the levels so your body doesn’t produce hyperactive hormones.

When I first got my period, it was awful. I had really heavy flows and they lasted about a week and a half. Anytime I sneezed it felt like a volcano exploding in my pants. I was stuck wearing maxi pads my whole cycle while changing them a good three times a day. I felt disgusting because anytime I had to wear a maxi pad, I didn’t feel comfortable going out because I felt like I was wearing a diaper. Now that I’m on birth control I have super light flows and they last an average of 3-5 days. Sorry to be descriptive about my cycles but I trying to prove a point.

These are a few reasons why I’m on birth control, but of course as I get older, it’s definitely becoming more and more about preventing pregnancy than it used to be. It just didn’t start out that way.


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