Long Distance

It takes every bit of myself to hold my tongue when someone complains about their relationship having some distance. I want to scream, “look at me! Look at what I’m going through! If I can make it, so can you.” But I keep my mouth shut. It’s really none of my business and I don’t want to turn the conversation and make it about me.

For the past few years I’ve had to deal with distance. Going to college and leaving my S.O. behind. Learning to cope with not being able to talk to him all the time. Even then I was lucky.

I had to deal with a different S.O. being close but not being able to see him at all or talk to him when I wanted.

Ultimately, these situations were getting me ready to handle what was to come. I am currently engaged to a Marine. We go months without seeing each other. Right now he’s on the opposite side of the world. My morning is his night and vice versa. So not only am I not able to see him, but we don’t have much time to talk either. When he comes home, I am completely aware of every second we spend together because I know I can never take it for granted. We’re inseparable together. There are so many people out there that have no idea how lucky they are. There are people that see us in long distance relationships and think it’s easy for us. I know not everyone thinks that, but still you have no idea. It is SO. HARD. Because of the distance. Because of the time difference. Constantly finding time to talk when we both have full time jobs. Finding time to talk with such little time that we’re both awake and with me working 7 days a week. It’s so hard and I don’t think anyone can fully grasp the concept no matter how hard they try unless they’re in one. There’s so many factors that are over looked. Sometimes the distance drives both of us crazy but at least one of us has to be able to think clearly so we can be the sunshine in their cloudy life. It’s so important to keep a positive view on it. It’s so difficult when we really need that hug and the one person that can make it better can’t be there in person. We can only count the days until we’re together again.

It sounds awful–long distance relationships–but I truly feel that everyone should be in one at some point in their life. It’s a learning experience and it teaches patience like no other. Then you can use it to your advantage. “I waited 4 years to see him again, I can wait another week.”


Why I Use It

WARNING: May be considered graphic to some readers.

I think this post is necessary because a lot of people don’t fully understand that there are reasons for going on birth control other than preventing pregnancy. I myself was uneducated until I started talking to my doctor about it.

Sure, the main reason for using birth control is to prevent unplanned pregnancy, but that’s definitely not the only use for it.

For 5 years I struggled with acne. I went to the dermatologist countless times trying to find a miracle cure. Nothing seemed to work. Sure, I was prescribed ampicillan to help get rid of it and yes, it did work a bit, but I stopped taking it when everything was looking up. I found out I still needed the extra help from medication so I began taking it again…and my body rejected it. I developed an allergy to it. Turns out a lot of people use birth control to help fight their acne. Of course that became one of the main reasons why I went on birth control…but it wasn’t the only reason.

Birth control is like a puppeteer controlling hormones. It balances the levels so your body doesn’t produce hyperactive hormones.

When I first got my period, it was awful. I had really heavy flows and they lasted about a week and a half. Anytime I sneezed it felt like a volcano exploding in my pants. I was stuck wearing maxi pads my whole cycle while changing them a good three times a day. I felt disgusting because anytime I had to wear a maxi pad, I didn’t feel comfortable going out because I felt like I was wearing a diaper. Now that I’m on birth control I have super light flows and they last an average of 3-5 days. Sorry to be descriptive about my cycles but I trying to prove a point.

These are a few reasons why I’m on birth control, but of course as I get older, it’s definitely becoming more and more about preventing pregnancy than it used to be. It just didn’t start out that way.
